While in Texas for Jessica Shae's Summer Adventure Photography Internship, I was extremely privileged to be able to take pictures of Allix. She was so sweet and nice, and although I was kind of in awe at meeting her, she did not put on airs or anything of the sort. ;) Allix is a gorgeous girl, both inside and out, and I am so glad that I got the opportunity to photograph her. Enjoy!
Hello Everyone! I am on a mission trip in West Virginia right now, so I won't have Allix's photos up until next week. So sorry for the delay, but be sure to stay tuned! :)
I had the amazing privilege of attending Jessica Shae's Summer Adventure Photography Internship a couple weeks ago, and I ended up getting to do a photo session with Allix of Allix B. Photograhy!
Here is a preview of the photos I took of her, with more coming soon! :)
I was very excited when I got asked by Sophia to take her senior pictures a couple weeks ago.
She is an amazing girl and really fun to be around, and I knew we'd have a nice time together. We battled the bugs who were trying to eat us, and waded through grass, and some of us (*ahem*, me) dropped our glasses, but it was still great, and Sophia was a wonderful sport.
Sophia is such a happy girl that can also make one of the best model faces I think I've ever seen.
She is a delight to be around and I am excited to see what God has in store for her!